Thursday, September 30, 2010

Music at 46

I was putting new strings on my acoustic guitar a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't get the thing to stay in tune..........then I took a closer look at my guitar and realized that the neck was separating from the body of the guitar. Evidently, my years of neglect had finally succeeded in causing my 1000$ guitar to fall apart.

340$ later it is back and glued together and holding a tune. Ahh but what to play?, and why? I plunk out a few old covers......guided by voices, neutral milk hotel, leadbelly, eric's trip........nobody that most people would ever have heard of. My finger tips have no callouses and my thumb hurts from pressing it awkwardly against the neck of the guitar. Maybe I should got to a few open mic's and play a few of the old fav's and see if people laugh.......probably they'll just ignore me and keep talking to their friends like I'm not even there...........two of my old drummers have been calling, asking to jam the old tunes............who knows?, maybe get a whole set together and play a gig! I get sick to my stomach thinking about it but I can't stop thinking about it. I fear I will pull out my old les paul jr. and try and tune it up. Worse, I may even plug it in to my amp and see if any sound comes out. I think the amplifier is broken but cannot be sure. God help me if it decides to function.

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